Fundamental Analysis Basics

Fundamental Analysis Basics

Fundamental Analysis Basics involves evaluating a company’s financial health and intrinsic value to make investment decisions. It focuses on studying factors like revenue, earnings, assets, and management performance. By analyzing financial statements, balance sheets, and income statements, investors can understand the company’s potential for growth and profitability. Additionally, assessing industry trends and competitive advantages helps in determining a stock’s worth. Fundamental analysis provides a solid foundation for long-term investing and helps investors make informed choices based on the company’s fundamentals rather than short-term market fluctuations.


5 weeks

Time commitment

4-6 hours per week



Video transcript






What you'll learn

Course description

The  course offers a comprehensive introduction to evaluating a company’s financial health and intrinsic value for informed investment decisions. Learn to analyze factors such as revenue, earnings, assets, and management performance by studying financial statements and income statements. Understand industry trends and competitive advantages to determine a stock’s worth. This course provides essential tools and insights for long-term investing, enabling you to make informed choices based on a company’s fundamentals rather than short-term market fluctuations, enhancing your ability to build a successful investment portfolio.


Course outline

Fundamental analysis is the evaluation of a company’s financial health and intrinsic value to make investment decisions.

The different types of fundamental analysis include quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, and a combination of both approaches.

The risks of using fundamental analysis include potential inaccuracies in financial data, changes in market conditions, and the uncertainty of accurately predicting a company’s future performance.

The benefits of using fundamental analysis include making informed investment decisions based on a company’s financial health, growth potential, and industry performance.

You can use financial books, online courses, reputable websites, and educational videos as resources to learn more about fundamental analysis.


2 Months
(50-60 Days)

Total duration for weekdays batch

2 Months
(50-60 Days)

Total duration for weekdays batch

2 Months
(50-60 Days)

Total duration for weekdays batch

2 Months
(50-60 Days)

Total duration for weekdays batch


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