Basics of Stock Market

Basics of Stock Market

The stock market is a platform where buyers and sellers trade shares of publicly-listed companies. Investors buy stocks, representing ownership in a company, in the hope of gaining a profit as the company’s value increases. Market prices fluctuate based on supply and demand, economic conditions, and company performance. Understanding stock market basics involves learning key terms like stocks, exchanges, indices, and analyzing factors that impact stock prices. Investing in the stock market carries risks, so it’s essential to conduct research, diversify investments, and consider a long-term approach for potential growth and wealth accumulation.


5 weeks

Time commitment

4-6 hours per week



Video transcript






What you'll learn

Course description

The “Basics of Stock Market” course provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of stocks and trading. Learn about stocks as ownership in companies, the functioning of the stock market as a trading platform, and factors influencing stock prices. Understand stock exchanges, market indices, and risk management strategies for investments. Gain insights into fundamental and technical analysis techniques, as well as different types of orders used in stock trading. This course emphasizes long-term investment approaches and tips for building a diversified portfolio to help you navigate the stock market with confidence.

Course outline

Reading a stock chart involves interpreting the historical price and volume data of a stock to analyze trends, patterns, and price movements over time.

The stock market functions is a platform where buyers and sellers trade shares of publicly-listed companies, with prices determined by supply, demand, company performance, and economic conditions.

Analyzing stocks involves evaluating a company’s financial health, growth prospects, and industry performance to make informed investment decisions.

The different types of risks involved in trading stocks include market risk, company-specific risk, liquidity risk, and systemic risk.

Stay updated on market news and trends by following financial news outlets, market analysis websites, and subscribing to reputable newsletters or alerts.


2 Months
(50-60 Days)

Total duration for weekdays batch

2 Months
(50-60 Days)

Total duration for weekdays batch

2 Months
(50-60 Days)

Total duration for weekdays batch

2 Months
(50-60 Days)

Total duration for weekdays batch


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